Geothermal Resources

Geothermal Potential


There is a high potential for expanding the use of geothermal resources:


  • By direct use from deep aquifers;
  • From the Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS);
  • Extensively throughout the country there is the potential to develop geothermal heat pumps, for air conditioning of buildings and DHW, in areas of normal geothermal gradient.



The development of geothermal systems for the heating and cooling of buildings and the production of hot water, as an emerging technology, presents an interesting potential both in terms of availability and utilization of the resource.




Local variations in temperature distribution, permeability, porosity, reservoir geometry, and depth of anomalies lead to a wide variety of types of geothermal systems:


Natural entity where deep heat is transferred to the Earth's surface or very close to it.