Energy Efficiency

Electrical Intensive Client

Decree-Law No. 15/2022, of January 14, determines the organization and functioning of the National Electric System (SEN), established in Section III of Chapter XII the Statute of the Electrointensive Customer for installations that are exposed to international trade and that meet the requirements set out in Article 194.


Decree-Law No. 15/2022, of January 14, determines the organization and functioning of the National Electric System (SEN), established in Section III of Chapter XII the Statute of the Electrointensive Customer for installations that are exposed to international trade and that meet the requirements set out in Article 194.


The regulations of the Statute are under Ordinance No. 112/2022, of March 14, which defines the eligibility requirements for the adhesion of operators of consumption facilities, the obligations and support measures for facilities that may be covered and determines that the approval of the draft of the adhesion contract to the Statute of the Electro-intensive Customer is the responsibility of the General Director of the General Directorate of Energy and Geology (DGEG).


For this purpose, Dispatch no. 5975-B/2022, of 13 May, was published.DGEG has the competence to analyze requests for the acess to the aforementioned Statute, to be carried out under the combined terms of article 193 of the SEN and article 3 of Ordinance no. 112/2022.


Therefore, requests to acess to the Eletrointensivo Customer Statute must be submitted through the Eletrointensivo Customer tab, available on the DGEG application portal at:


For questions related to navigation on the DGEG application portal, you should consult “Instructions for operating the portal”.


For clarifications regarding the documentation to be submitted for the application to join the Electro-intensive Customer Statute, please consult the “Instructional documentation for the application to join the Electro-intensive Customer Statute”.


For questions exclusively related to the Statute of the Eletrointensivo Customer, you may contact