Exploitation License

Exploitation License

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Responsible Technician


The technical responsible of the quarry must be assured by a person who has a higher education degree in the "appropriate speciality" (possession of a higher education degree whose curricular plan involves the areas of mining, geological or geotechnical engineering and also the possession of other higher education degrees in related technical areas provided that they are complemented by additional specific training or duly proven operational experience and never less than five years) as recognized by the DGEG.


If it is necessary to use explosive substances during the quarry exploration, the technical responsible must have specific formation in this area.




The various categories of Technical Responsibility, based on the training of the technician, can be consulted in the table of the Basis of Appreciation of the Technical Responsible of Quarries.



To register as a Technical Responsible of Quarries you must:





 To exercise the function of Technical Responsible of Quarries you must:



  • Send to DGEG, for approval, the proposal for Technical Responsible signed by the operator, accompanied by the Term of Responsibility of the technician proposed to take on this role, containing the elements provided for in Models/Minutes.




Attached is the List of Quarry Technicians. (updated on the day 30/01/2025)